

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

"There's No Such thing As Magic" By Jade M, Age 10, Class 3


There’s No Such Thing as Magic

Brandon, age nine, was a spoilt little boy.

“Mum!!!” he screamed. “Come here and turn the TV down for me!” “My hand hurts to much to do it!”

“But Brandon, you never turn it down by yourself, let alone turn it off and on!” his mum shouted at him, waving her duster in the air.

“Muuum!!!” “Turn the TV DOWN!!!” he shouted at his loudest.

“I don’t know why you want it turned down anyway, you can’t hear it over you!” she shouted, grabbing the remote control and putting it on mute. “If your not careful… the magic wizard will come and get yeah!” Brandon’s mum said putting the remote control back on the table.

“There’s no such thing as magic!” Brandon said, “Don’t you know anything Mum?”

“More then your ever know, young man.” She whispered as she walked out the room, “No such thing as magic, ha!”

That night, when Brandon was asleep the wind started to blow and one of the windows opened in Brandon’s bedroom and a little part of glitter dived into Brandon’s toy box. But suddenly a little toy solider jumped out of the box and walked over to Brandon’s bed and soon lots of little toys started to walk out of the box and gathered round the bed.

“Why are we here?” said a little old toy duck that I say, was rather battered from being thrown down the stairs by Brandon when he was younger.

“I am not that sure,” a little cuddly snake hissed at the duck.

“Come on, lets get lifting!” one of the soldiers said smiling, then picked up a corner of the bed.

“Umm, ok then.” an armadillo said, lifting up another corner of the bed.

Soon all the toys where lifting up the bed and it was starting to lift itself, soon it was off the ground and flying up and up all by it’s self. Soon it reached the window!!!

“Phew…” said a tiny wind up mouse. “Brandon’s really heavy!”

The bed flew out the window and disappeared into the fog…

“Mummy!!!” Brandon shouted when he woke up to see an old man with long white hair and a long white beard.

“Oh yes Brandon, your mother has told you about, me,” the strange man said.

“Are, are, you the magic Wizard?” Brandon asked, blinking several times.

“Yes, no such thing as magic, ha!” The magic wizard shouted and bashed his long bent stick onto the floor and Brandon disappeared into fine air! Just at the same minute, Brandon’s mum, who was laying in bed jumped up and shouted out, “THERES NO SUCH THING AS MAGIC!”

By Jade M
Age 10
Class 3


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