I’ve always wanted to be a Professional Piano Player… but Mum says that I am not good enough. She isn’t that well… encouraging, I had to beg her for weeks just to let me have Piano lessons. I use to sit and watch the ladies in beautiful evening dresses playing the Piano, so freely and easily. I tried wearing a nice long evening dress… it got stuck in the pedals and I bashed my head on the shiny black and white keys. I stick to wearing knee length trousers now. My Piano teacher says that I’m gifted with the Piano… well for someone of my age. I am only thirteen and I only started having lessons a year and a bit ago. My name is Lara Keys, I’m thirteen years old, I go to Bebbek Secondary School and I live in Westwend, (England of course!). I want to enter in the Music show that we have every year at school. Any one can enter, they can sing, play an instrument or even create a band. There’s a cool prize for first place and money for second and third. Fourth and Fifth get a bag of Chocolate Maltesers. I’ve never entered before so I am a bit nervous… and I think I’m going to need to practice a bit more. But I didn’t realize that I only have only four days to get ready!
I’m not wearing anything special, just Jeans and a top, no make-up, old trainers. I don’t care what I look like, or if I’m wearing any make-up… all I care about is what I sound like. It’s Tuesday and the Concert is on Friday… I’m on my way to my Piano Lesson, it’s Summer and the lovely, bright velvet leaves on the chestnut trees are everywhere. I knocked on Mr T’s front door, I was excited… but I didn’t get home until half Six in the evening. Mum was furious and said that I wasn’t going to bed until I had done all four pieces of my homework.
I was really tired at school the next day… all I could think about was the concert and that I needed to practice. It’s Wednesday and I haven’t got a Piano Lesson today, I’ve just got to think of the song that I’m going to play. I could even just play a Tune that I’ve made up.
I’ve decided what song I’m going to play… can’t tell you! It’s a secret!
On Thursday I just about convinced Mum to let me have an extra Piano Lesson. I played my song to Mr T, he really helped me improve it.
It’s Friday and I’m standing next to the curtain looking out at the stage, the band that was going to play looked good, there was a boy playing a keyboard… he looked really good. They were all dressed really smartly, I was wearing a grey top and black jeans. The girls behind me laughed and giggled at me. The four of them were singing a song together. They were borrowing the school’s P.A system… I was borrowing the school’s Piano from the music room. It isn’t the best Piano in the world but it will do.
The band started to play, they sounded so good… I went back stage, I had forgot that I have stage fright! There’s nine entries including me and I’m last. There’s only going to be four entries that don’t win anything… I have an awful feeling that I’m going to be one of them. It’s on the 8th entry, the group of girl singers. Their voices sound unreal, like they’re just mouthing the words… but they’re definitely not. As they finished everybody clapped and cheered so loud that I had to cup my hands over my ears. They came off the stage and the curtains closed, the care taker and a couple of other teachers started to drag the Piano on… I was next. I sat down on the small leather stall and stretched my fingers… I looked around for my Back pack, it was nowhere in sight. I had left it backstage! It had my song in there. The Headmaster started to introduce me. I jumped up and ran off the stage, when I got backstage and rummaged through my bag. I could hear the curtains slowly opening,
“Gotcha!” I shouted, pulling the two large pieces of Paper out. I ran back on stage and sat back down just in time, for me to be in sight of the audience. Everybody stared at me… waiting for me to play. My breath became faster and my heart pumped and pushed against my rib cage. I took a very long, and a very deep breath and started to play.
As I hit my finger down on the last white key I stopped, my heart become calmer and my breathing slowed down. For one moment there was just silence… I gulped and then took a sigh of relief, they were clapping for me!
I didn’t win first place… but I did come second! I got £25 and a mini bag of Jelly Babies. The girl’s singing came first, they deserved it… they must of worked so hard to get it as good as it was. The Band came Third and they got £15 and a mini bag of cola bottles each. Mum was so pleased and now she thinks that I am a good Piano Player… because I know I am to!
By Jade M
Age 11
Class 3

Friday, 24 July 2009
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
"My Music Mum" by Jade M, Age 11, Class 3
My Music Mum
My Mum loves music,
A little too much,
She writes it all day and plays it all night,
And when I say “STOP,”
She just says “no,”
Because she’s the music mum,
Like everyone knows,
Bang, Bosh, Bang,
All night long,
I say to my Mum,
“Be quiet,” all night long,
Why can’t she sing it all day and write it all night?
Because My Mum is the Music Mum,
And she keeps me up all night.
By Jade M
Age 11
Class 3
My Music Mum
My Mum loves music,
A little too much,
She writes it all day and plays it all night,
And when I say “STOP,”
She just says “no,”
Because she’s the music mum,
Like everyone knows,
Bang, Bosh, Bang,
All night long,
I say to my Mum,
“Be quiet,” all night long,
Why can’t she sing it all day and write it all night?
Because My Mum is the Music Mum,
And she keeps me up all night.
By Jade M
Age 11
Class 3
Friday, 17 July 2009
"I Want To Write A Poem" by Jade M, Age 11, Class 3
I Want to Write a Poem
I want to write a poem,
But what to write about?
Horror, Fantasy, Love stories…
What about music and all things nice?
Songs and Pianos, Guitars and drums,
Starring dancing mice.
What about a Band,
So grand,
That it knocks you off your feet?
Notes and little wiggery things
Telling me what to play.
Yes me and my one man band,
Are on our way.
Everyone will cheer and clap,
Once they’ve heard me play,
Cause I’ll write a song,
So good and fab,
We’ll dance to it all day.
I Want to Write a Poem
I want to write a poem,
But what to write about?
Horror, Fantasy, Love stories…
What about music and all things nice?
Songs and Pianos, Guitars and drums,
Starring dancing mice.
What about a Band,
So grand,
That it knocks you off your feet?
Notes and little wiggery things
Telling me what to play.
Yes me and my one man band,
Are on our way.
Everyone will cheer and clap,
Once they’ve heard me play,
Cause I’ll write a song,
So good and fab,
We’ll dance to it all day.
By Jade M,
Age 11, Class 3
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
"Orange As Could Be" by Jade M, Age 10, Class 3
Orange As Could Be
Jess walked over to the fireplace and looked at the photo, with a young man and a bright orange carrot in, which was proudly placed on top of the fireplace.
“Who’s that?” she asked,
“Me again love!” her Grandfather shouted. Jess' Grandfather specialised in growing prize vegetables. He was Scottish and use to live in Scotland. Jess got teased at school because of what her Grandfather done. It wasn’t till her Grandfather moved to England… that she appreciated, that what he'd done… made him happy! She looked at the photo carefully, the carrot, was wearing a red rosette!
“Grandfather… why is that carrot, wearing a rosette. And you aren’t?” she asked,
Her Grandfather chuckled and then blurted out, “Because dreary… that carrot, that carrot there, won the most orange and organic carrot of the year, show!” Jess looked at him if to say he was crazy!
“You make it sound all posh and nice.” She huffed, he looked at her as if to say, “What?”
“I wasn’t going to say a word!” she shouted, rolling her eyes. Jess walked out of the room and took her coat from the banister.
“Bye Grandfather… I’ll see you tomorrow!” she shouted,
“Ok Jess, but before you go… can yeah nip in the green house and water my carrots?” he asked crossing his fingers, “It’s just, I’ve got a bad back.”
“Ok Grandfather.” She groaned. Jess had gone in her Grandfather's green house before… but she’d never done, anything in it. As she walked in, the first thing’s she saw was the carrots.
“Well, that was easy!” she shouted, surprisingly. Under a desk by the carrots, there was a watering can. She took it out and went to the back of the green house, where she found the tap. She filled the water can up to the top.
“This is heavy!” she shouted, and then poured, all the water over the carrots. The next day when she went to see her Grandfather, she was asked again to water the carrots. So she did exactly the same as last time, only this time the carrots seemed less orange and a bit shrivelled up… so she gave them a little bit more water! The next day when her and her Grandfather went to the green house,
“The carrots!” he shouted, “What’s happened to my carrots?” he looked at Jess, Jess looked back at him, “Jessie, how much water did you give my carrots?”
“Well… on the first day, I gave them a can full and on the second day I gave them a can full and a bit!”
“Jess!” her Grandfather screamed, “You’ve killed them!” Jess looked at the carrots. Actually they did look a bit, well, unloved!
“I’m sorry Grandfather! I didn’t mean to!” she shouted, her Grandfather turned around,
“Don’t worry Jess… its not your thought! I should of told you how much water to give them.” He said smiling, “I just suppose I want to enter this years most orange and organic carrot of the year show.” He mumbled to himself. Jess felt guilty, as she looked at her Grandfather walking sadly to the house.
“Don’t worry Grandfather… I’ll grow some prize winning carrots!” she thought to her self.
The next day Jess got up really early so that she could get to the green house. She walked down the road and to her Grandfather's house, she quietly opened the green house door, slipped in and slowly closed it behind her. She looked around… she looked in the draws of the desk and took out some carrot seeds. She got some soil and a big pot and filled the pot half way with soil, put the seeds in and covered them over with soil. She got some water and only gave them a little bit. She put them at the back of the greenhouse and hid them behind the tomatoes. She looked in the house, but she could not bare to face him, after what she had done. After school she went back to the greenhouse, to check that her Grandfather had not found the carrots. They were exactly where they were before. After that, she did the same for a whole month… the carrots were lovely and orange… but she didn’t know what organic meant! That day she slowly closed the green house door, but her Grandfather caught her.
“And why are you out here so early in the morning?” he asked unlocking the door. Jess and her Grandfather walked inside, Jess told him all what she had been doing.
“Oh Jess!” her Grandfather chuckled, “You didn’t have to do that!”
“But I wanted to! And I want you to enter this years competition! Please?”
He thought and then said, “Ok then… and I’m sure that your carrots, will win a red rosette!”
By Jade M
Age 10
Class 3
Orange As Could Be
Jess walked over to the fireplace and looked at the photo, with a young man and a bright orange carrot in, which was proudly placed on top of the fireplace.
“Who’s that?” she asked,
“Me again love!” her Grandfather shouted. Jess' Grandfather specialised in growing prize vegetables. He was Scottish and use to live in Scotland. Jess got teased at school because of what her Grandfather done. It wasn’t till her Grandfather moved to England… that she appreciated, that what he'd done… made him happy! She looked at the photo carefully, the carrot, was wearing a red rosette!
“Grandfather… why is that carrot, wearing a rosette. And you aren’t?” she asked,
Her Grandfather chuckled and then blurted out, “Because dreary… that carrot, that carrot there, won the most orange and organic carrot of the year, show!” Jess looked at him if to say he was crazy!
“You make it sound all posh and nice.” She huffed, he looked at her as if to say, “What?”
“I wasn’t going to say a word!” she shouted, rolling her eyes. Jess walked out of the room and took her coat from the banister.
“Bye Grandfather… I’ll see you tomorrow!” she shouted,
“Ok Jess, but before you go… can yeah nip in the green house and water my carrots?” he asked crossing his fingers, “It’s just, I’ve got a bad back.”
“Ok Grandfather.” She groaned. Jess had gone in her Grandfather's green house before… but she’d never done, anything in it. As she walked in, the first thing’s she saw was the carrots.
“Well, that was easy!” she shouted, surprisingly. Under a desk by the carrots, there was a watering can. She took it out and went to the back of the green house, where she found the tap. She filled the water can up to the top.
“This is heavy!” she shouted, and then poured, all the water over the carrots. The next day when she went to see her Grandfather, she was asked again to water the carrots. So she did exactly the same as last time, only this time the carrots seemed less orange and a bit shrivelled up… so she gave them a little bit more water! The next day when her and her Grandfather went to the green house,
“The carrots!” he shouted, “What’s happened to my carrots?” he looked at Jess, Jess looked back at him, “Jessie, how much water did you give my carrots?”
“Well… on the first day, I gave them a can full and on the second day I gave them a can full and a bit!”
“Jess!” her Grandfather screamed, “You’ve killed them!” Jess looked at the carrots. Actually they did look a bit, well, unloved!
“I’m sorry Grandfather! I didn’t mean to!” she shouted, her Grandfather turned around,
“Don’t worry Jess… its not your thought! I should of told you how much water to give them.” He said smiling, “I just suppose I want to enter this years most orange and organic carrot of the year show.” He mumbled to himself. Jess felt guilty, as she looked at her Grandfather walking sadly to the house.
“Don’t worry Grandfather… I’ll grow some prize winning carrots!” she thought to her self.
The next day Jess got up really early so that she could get to the green house. She walked down the road and to her Grandfather's house, she quietly opened the green house door, slipped in and slowly closed it behind her. She looked around… she looked in the draws of the desk and took out some carrot seeds. She got some soil and a big pot and filled the pot half way with soil, put the seeds in and covered them over with soil. She got some water and only gave them a little bit. She put them at the back of the greenhouse and hid them behind the tomatoes. She looked in the house, but she could not bare to face him, after what she had done. After school she went back to the greenhouse, to check that her Grandfather had not found the carrots. They were exactly where they were before. After that, she did the same for a whole month… the carrots were lovely and orange… but she didn’t know what organic meant! That day she slowly closed the green house door, but her Grandfather caught her.
“And why are you out here so early in the morning?” he asked unlocking the door. Jess and her Grandfather walked inside, Jess told him all what she had been doing.
“Oh Jess!” her Grandfather chuckled, “You didn’t have to do that!”
“But I wanted to! And I want you to enter this years competition! Please?”
He thought and then said, “Ok then… and I’m sure that your carrots, will win a red rosette!”
By Jade M
Age 10
Class 3
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
"Mushy Mystery" by Jade M, Age 10, Class 3
Mushy Mystery
Georgia had made some cupcakes, they were delicious,
“Yum.” Georgia’s mum commented, as she took one out of the oven and bit into it,
“Still warm!” Georgia shouted, taking it back and eating the rest.
“Ruff!” Georgia’s dog barked, Georgia took the tray of cakes out of the oven and put them on the table. One bounced off the tray and dropped onto the floor. Georgia’s dog, (Dotty) scooped it up and slobbered, all, over it!
“Dotty!” Georgia shouted, “Give that back now.” She groaned, snatching the cake out of her mouth.
“Ehh.” Georgia’s mum, (Kayleigh) groaned. Georgia took one look at the slobbered covered cake… and threw it in the bin. She took the tray of cakes and put them on the top shelf, (so Dotty couldn’t get them) and went into the front room. Half an hour later, she came back to decorate the cakes. Georgia took them down from the high shelf and to her surprise… instead of nice, fluffy, fairy cakes… there were not so nice, not so fluffy, squashed fairy cakes!
“DOTTY!” she shouted, but Dotty was outside. She’d been outside since she’d eat that cake! It couldn’t have been Dotty… then who was it?
“This calls… for an investigation!” Georgia shouted. Georgia’s aunt was a detective. For Christmas Georgia got a crime busting kit, from her aunt… she thought this might, just, be a good time to get it out! She opened the case and firstly took out a small rucksack,
“To keep things in” she thought to her self, then she picked up a small round tub, with a fingerprint on the top of it. Some fingerprint dust and a brush and plopped it in her bag,
“Every good detective needs fingerprints.” She thought to her self, again. She looked around and then took out a magnify glass and carefully put it at the bottom of her bag.
“To look, at the fingerprints!” she shouted out loud, this time. Then she took a little plastic bag and ink out and chucked it in her bag…
“Every good detective has something to put its evidence in. And you have to take fingerprints, as well as find them.” she muttered. Finally she took a small pad with, TOP SECRET on it and then a pen that could convert into a small telescope. She put them down on the table and opened the pad, she wrote,
She went into the kitchen and took the tray of cakes down. She poured the cakes into the evidence bag and put it back into her detective bag,
“Evidence, is needed in this mystery!” she shouted. Georgia looked at the tray and took her magnify glass out of her bag. She bent down and looked through the magnify glass suspiciously…
“Hmm,” she pondered, “This is a mystery that, does not… want to be solved.” She huffed. Georgia then put the magnify glass back and took out the fingerprint dust and brush. She opened the little round tub and tipped the brush in the powder. She whipped the brush all over the tray; she found two types of fingerprints… one bigger then the other.
“One must be mine… that’s the small one. And the big ones must be… the criminal!” she thought to her self, “It’s time to take some fingerprints!” she took the ink out her bag and then a piece of paper.
“DAD!” she bellowed. She knew her dad had a big appetite and could have tried to take the tray of cakes down… and dropped them. Put them back up and left the mess to some body else! As her dad came in she was by the door, she closed the door and dimmed the lights.
“So… where were you around half an hour ago?” she asked sitting down, (shinning a lamp into her, not so impressed father's face),
“I’m not saying anything… till you, tell me what’s going on?” he pondered, pushing the light away and turning it off.
“Don’t act stupid with me young man!” she shouted, looking into is eyes.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Georgia!” he blurted out.
Georgia thought,“Really?”
“No! I do not know.”
“Oh just shush and dip your fingers in that!” she shouted rolling her eyes, as she pushed the ink towards him. Georgia’s dad dipped his fingers in the ink and then looked up, Georgia pointed to the piece of paper. He put his finger on and pressed down.
“I’m done with you now, you can go.” She groaned, she looked at the finger prints on they paper, then the tray,
“Dads are too big!” she shouted, “Then who could it be?” she thought. “But that only leaves one more person… mum!” the door creaked and Georgia ran to the door and smacked it open.
“Ah!” somebody screeched, as the door hit the wall it revealed Kayleigh. She was holding her nose,
“Look what you’ve done! I’ve got a nose bleed now!” she moaned.
“Me! Look who’s talking!” Georgia shouted. Soon Georgia’s dad came and sat Kayleigh down. She held a tissue to her nose and said,
“Oh I’m sorry Georgia. It was me that squashed your fairy cakes.”
“Why?” Georgia’s dad asked.
“Well, after eating that little bit of the fairy cake… I wanted more. So sneaked into the kitchen and took one down from the tray. But my sleeve got caught in the tray and when I pulled my arm down… the whole tray came down and the cakes were flattened. I set them back up as they were before and thought that you wouldn’t no that is was me. I’m sorry Georgia.”
“It’s ok mum… well, as long as you make us more and they better be bigger then the others!” she said, laughing.
“Well… I think I could.” Kayleigh said smiling. “Come here?” and Kayleigh gave Georgia a hug, “Right! I think we should get cake making!”
“We! You mean you, should get cake making!” Georgia shouted laughing.
The End
Mushy Mystery
Georgia had made some cupcakes, they were delicious,
“Yum.” Georgia’s mum commented, as she took one out of the oven and bit into it,
“Still warm!” Georgia shouted, taking it back and eating the rest.
“Ruff!” Georgia’s dog barked, Georgia took the tray of cakes out of the oven and put them on the table. One bounced off the tray and dropped onto the floor. Georgia’s dog, (Dotty) scooped it up and slobbered, all, over it!
“Dotty!” Georgia shouted, “Give that back now.” She groaned, snatching the cake out of her mouth.
“Ehh.” Georgia’s mum, (Kayleigh) groaned. Georgia took one look at the slobbered covered cake… and threw it in the bin. She took the tray of cakes and put them on the top shelf, (so Dotty couldn’t get them) and went into the front room. Half an hour later, she came back to decorate the cakes. Georgia took them down from the high shelf and to her surprise… instead of nice, fluffy, fairy cakes… there were not so nice, not so fluffy, squashed fairy cakes!
“DOTTY!” she shouted, but Dotty was outside. She’d been outside since she’d eat that cake! It couldn’t have been Dotty… then who was it?
“This calls… for an investigation!” Georgia shouted. Georgia’s aunt was a detective. For Christmas Georgia got a crime busting kit, from her aunt… she thought this might, just, be a good time to get it out! She opened the case and firstly took out a small rucksack,
“To keep things in” she thought to her self, then she picked up a small round tub, with a fingerprint on the top of it. Some fingerprint dust and a brush and plopped it in her bag,
“Every good detective needs fingerprints.” She thought to her self, again. She looked around and then took out a magnify glass and carefully put it at the bottom of her bag.
“To look, at the fingerprints!” she shouted out loud, this time. Then she took a little plastic bag and ink out and chucked it in her bag…
“Every good detective has something to put its evidence in. And you have to take fingerprints, as well as find them.” she muttered. Finally she took a small pad with, TOP SECRET on it and then a pen that could convert into a small telescope. She put them down on the table and opened the pad, she wrote,
She went into the kitchen and took the tray of cakes down. She poured the cakes into the evidence bag and put it back into her detective bag,
“Evidence, is needed in this mystery!” she shouted. Georgia looked at the tray and took her magnify glass out of her bag. She bent down and looked through the magnify glass suspiciously…
“Hmm,” she pondered, “This is a mystery that, does not… want to be solved.” She huffed. Georgia then put the magnify glass back and took out the fingerprint dust and brush. She opened the little round tub and tipped the brush in the powder. She whipped the brush all over the tray; she found two types of fingerprints… one bigger then the other.
“One must be mine… that’s the small one. And the big ones must be… the criminal!” she thought to her self, “It’s time to take some fingerprints!” she took the ink out her bag and then a piece of paper.
“DAD!” she bellowed. She knew her dad had a big appetite and could have tried to take the tray of cakes down… and dropped them. Put them back up and left the mess to some body else! As her dad came in she was by the door, she closed the door and dimmed the lights.
“So… where were you around half an hour ago?” she asked sitting down, (shinning a lamp into her, not so impressed father's face),
“I’m not saying anything… till you, tell me what’s going on?” he pondered, pushing the light away and turning it off.
“Don’t act stupid with me young man!” she shouted, looking into is eyes.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Georgia!” he blurted out.
Georgia thought,“Really?”
“No! I do not know.”
“Oh just shush and dip your fingers in that!” she shouted rolling her eyes, as she pushed the ink towards him. Georgia’s dad dipped his fingers in the ink and then looked up, Georgia pointed to the piece of paper. He put his finger on and pressed down.
“I’m done with you now, you can go.” She groaned, she looked at the finger prints on they paper, then the tray,
“Dads are too big!” she shouted, “Then who could it be?” she thought. “But that only leaves one more person… mum!” the door creaked and Georgia ran to the door and smacked it open.
“Ah!” somebody screeched, as the door hit the wall it revealed Kayleigh. She was holding her nose,
“Look what you’ve done! I’ve got a nose bleed now!” she moaned.
“Me! Look who’s talking!” Georgia shouted. Soon Georgia’s dad came and sat Kayleigh down. She held a tissue to her nose and said,
“Oh I’m sorry Georgia. It was me that squashed your fairy cakes.”
“Why?” Georgia’s dad asked.
“Well, after eating that little bit of the fairy cake… I wanted more. So sneaked into the kitchen and took one down from the tray. But my sleeve got caught in the tray and when I pulled my arm down… the whole tray came down and the cakes were flattened. I set them back up as they were before and thought that you wouldn’t no that is was me. I’m sorry Georgia.”
“It’s ok mum… well, as long as you make us more and they better be bigger then the others!” she said, laughing.
“Well… I think I could.” Kayleigh said smiling. “Come here?” and Kayleigh gave Georgia a hug, “Right! I think we should get cake making!”
“We! You mean you, should get cake making!” Georgia shouted laughing.
The End
By Jade M, Age 10, Class 3
Saturday, 14 March 2009
"You're still the Mutt" by Jade M, Age 10, Class 3
You’re Still The MUTT
(sequel to 'Who's the Mutt?')
Charlie was a dog and loved food. His favourite food was meat… he liked Beef, Lamb and Turkey, but he loved and loved… Chicken! Charlie would do anything for Chicken, literally. As we all know, Luke is Charlie’s owner and as we also all know… Luke’s dad is one fat, dumb and one seriously grumpy man!
One day, Charlie was having a nap time, it was about eleven o’clock. Then the door slammed, it was Luke’s mum. Luke’s mum had been away in India, on a business trip. She had been away for a good three weeks and Luke was beginning to miss his mum. Even though Luke was nearly fourteen… and him and his mum were always fighting, Luke didn’t like it when she went away.
“I’m back!” she bellowed,
“Mum!” a voice shouted out.
“That sounds like Luke?” Charlie thought to him self. “But it can’t be, he’s supposed to be at school. Unless…” he thought very carefully about this. When he went to see who it was, he saw Luke wrapped in his mothers arms and she was kissing him on the cheek, quite a lot of times!
“Ehh! Mum… stop it!” Luke groaned,
“What! Luke’s skipped school!” Charlie blurted out. Of course, it just sounded like a load of woofing to Luke and his mum. Just as he was walking back up to Luke’s bedroom.
“Charlie, Charlie boy, come here boy. Come on!” It was Luke’s mum. Charlie liked Luke’s mum, she was… sort of nice. She gives Charlie left over meat all the time. But he doesn’t like her when she dresses him up in pink fluffy bunny ears and then carries him around in a little hand bag.
“Oh… mummy’s missed her little Charlie baby!” she said to Charlie, picking him up. Then she pulled out a collar covered in beautiful gems.
“Look what I got for you!” She said, clipping the collar to Charlie’s neck. Charlie didn’t look that impressed. He didn’t want a new collar… he wanted chicken!
“What’s for lunch?”
“I don’t know.” Luke shrugged. Luke’s dad couldn’t cook, so they had to have takeaways for dinner and frozen burgers for lunch.
“Well… we all like roast. So what about some nice English Roast Chicken?” Charlie’s ear’s pricked up.
“Ok.” Luke couldn’t be less bothered, but Charlie could.
“Oh yeah!” He woofed. When Luke’s mum, (Olivia) went into the front room, Luke’s dad, (Simon) was in there, sitting on the sofa Rubbing his back side. After the not so unfortunate accident with the cat flap Simon had to have three stitches in his bottom.
“What happened?” Olivia asked, putting on a concerned face.
“Who cares about him! Where’s my chicken?” Charlie woofed again.
“It was that MUTT!” Simon shouted.
“His names Charlie!” Luke exclaimed.
“Oh… my honey bunny, come here!” Olivia shouted, dropping Charlie. He hit the floor with a bump and then bounced several times, until he landed in Luke’s arms.
“Do you mind!” Charlie woofed again, “I-want-my-chicken!”
Luke’s dad might not be able to cook… but Luke knew quite a lot about cooking. He put Charlie down on the table, then started to look through the kitchen. When he finally, found a nice Chicken, he washed it, then dried it and thank god it was gutted! Then he put it in a roasting tin, seasoned it and popped it in the oven. After about an hour and a half… Luke took it out the oven and plopped it on to a big, white, shiny, plate.
“Grub’s up!” Luke shouted, putting three plates down and a mixture of vegetables on the kitchen table. Charlie licked his lips and then made a dive for the chicken. He stretched his legs out and stuck his front claws out from his little paws. He was actually in mid air when a pair of hands grabbed him and pulled him down back to earth. Charlie looked up, it was Olivia.
“Do you mind?” he screeched, falling over backwards, “Oh, it’s you.” He groaned sitting back up.
“Rule number one… no dogs anywhere approximately,” Olivia shouted, getting a tape measure out of her bag. “Um… twenty four inches away from the table!” she screeched again, shooing poor Charlie into his cage, witch he didn’t go in that much. As it smelt a bit! She locked the door.
“No way mum! He doesn’t like it in there. That’s why I made him his special doggy bed!” Luke screamed, pointing to a corner of the room. With Charlie’s silk blanket in and his seven little pillow’s lined up in a line.
“No Luke! Don’t you dare answer back to me!” she shouted back, locking the cage.
“I’ve grown up mum! And I think you, need to do, too!” Luke unlocked the door,
“How dare you!”
“What? What? I’ll tell you what!”
“What, what, what, what… what!” Luke screamed again,
“Bla, ble, ble, bla, ble, bla, bla, bla!” and the rest is quite boring. While Luke and his mum were blubbering on Charlie pushed the cage open and skipped off. He jumped onto the chair where Olivia usually sits.
“Come on, let’s tuck in Olivia!” Simon said turning around to see Charlie, in his wife’s seat.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Simon screeched, like a little girl.
“Oh what’s wrong now?” Olivia huffed.
“Olivia! Your all fluffy and, and, fluffy!” he shouted. Now Simon was dumb, no not dumb, really, really, extra dumb! He thought that Olivia had turned into a dog, when really she was just behind him.
“What!” she shouted looking down at him.
“But! What? But I thought…” he said, looking back and forwards, at Charlie and Olivia.
“You dummy!” she moaned, walking off and then came back and tucked into her dinner.
“Get off you dumb MUTT!” Simon shouted,
“Dumb MUTT… look who’s talking!” Charlie growled. After they had all had dinner, everyone went into the front room and watched TV. This was Charlie’s chance to make his move on the… Chicken! He sneaked out of his doggy bed and clambered onto one of the chairs.
“Yummy roast CHICKEN.” Charlie whispered. He dragged the remains into Luke’s bedroom and munched into the Chicken. When Simon finally got up from the sofa to get seconds… that’s when he looked.
“Where’s the chicken gone?” he moaned,
“You ate it all dad!” Luke shouted, laughing.
“No I did not! It was probably that MUTT!” Next thing Charlie knew, he heard big footsteps coming towards Luke’s bedroom!
“MUTT! Where are you?” Simon blurted, Charlie quickly grabbed the rest of the chicken and poked his head out the door. Simon turned around to see Charlie, with his chicken in Charlie’s mouth.
“MUTT! Come here now!” Simon shouted.
“Ruff!” Charlie went and ran out the cat flap. Simon ran out the door and saw Charlie heading for Olivia’s flower beds. By this time Charlie had ate all the yummy bits off the Chicken and left the fatty bits for Simon. He rolled over in the muddy flower beds squishing some of the flowers… but not all of them; he wouldn’t do that to Olivia. Olivia loves her flower beds and that played a very important part in Charlie’s devious plan! He put the Chicken down and woofed.
“MUTT! Give me my CHICKEN!” and there is only one person who would talk to Charlie like that. Simon ran to the flower bed, jumped in the air and landed belly first on the chicken… squishing it into the ground. Charlie ran inside and cleaned him self up. He jumped on to the window sill and looked out at Simon. He turned over first, then started to look for his chicken.
“MUTT! Where have you put my chicken?” he bellowed,
“I haven’t got it dummy!” Charlie screamed, rolling his eyes, “These Human things… have no sense!” Simon carried on rolling around Olivia’s flower bed, which by now… was just a square of dirt with a couple of squished flowers pocking up. Olivia walked over to the back door and opened it,
“SIMON! Get out of my flower beds!” she bellowed,
“But! But! It was that MUTT.” He groaned, hanging his head in shame, like a little child that has just been told off. Charlie growled.
“Likely story!” Luke shouted from behind his mother.
“He just doesn’t learn.” Charlie woofed, feeling quite proud of himself, “You’re still the MUTT Simon, your still the MUTT!” he woofed, licking his lips!
By Jade M
Age 10
Class 3
You’re Still The MUTT
(sequel to 'Who's the Mutt?')
Charlie was a dog and loved food. His favourite food was meat… he liked Beef, Lamb and Turkey, but he loved and loved… Chicken! Charlie would do anything for Chicken, literally. As we all know, Luke is Charlie’s owner and as we also all know… Luke’s dad is one fat, dumb and one seriously grumpy man!
One day, Charlie was having a nap time, it was about eleven o’clock. Then the door slammed, it was Luke’s mum. Luke’s mum had been away in India, on a business trip. She had been away for a good three weeks and Luke was beginning to miss his mum. Even though Luke was nearly fourteen… and him and his mum were always fighting, Luke didn’t like it when she went away.
“I’m back!” she bellowed,
“Mum!” a voice shouted out.
“That sounds like Luke?” Charlie thought to him self. “But it can’t be, he’s supposed to be at school. Unless…” he thought very carefully about this. When he went to see who it was, he saw Luke wrapped in his mothers arms and she was kissing him on the cheek, quite a lot of times!
“Ehh! Mum… stop it!” Luke groaned,
“What! Luke’s skipped school!” Charlie blurted out. Of course, it just sounded like a load of woofing to Luke and his mum. Just as he was walking back up to Luke’s bedroom.
“Charlie, Charlie boy, come here boy. Come on!” It was Luke’s mum. Charlie liked Luke’s mum, she was… sort of nice. She gives Charlie left over meat all the time. But he doesn’t like her when she dresses him up in pink fluffy bunny ears and then carries him around in a little hand bag.
“Oh… mummy’s missed her little Charlie baby!” she said to Charlie, picking him up. Then she pulled out a collar covered in beautiful gems.
“Look what I got for you!” She said, clipping the collar to Charlie’s neck. Charlie didn’t look that impressed. He didn’t want a new collar… he wanted chicken!
“What’s for lunch?”
“I don’t know.” Luke shrugged. Luke’s dad couldn’t cook, so they had to have takeaways for dinner and frozen burgers for lunch.
“Well… we all like roast. So what about some nice English Roast Chicken?” Charlie’s ear’s pricked up.
“Ok.” Luke couldn’t be less bothered, but Charlie could.
“Oh yeah!” He woofed. When Luke’s mum, (Olivia) went into the front room, Luke’s dad, (Simon) was in there, sitting on the sofa Rubbing his back side. After the not so unfortunate accident with the cat flap Simon had to have three stitches in his bottom.
“What happened?” Olivia asked, putting on a concerned face.
“Who cares about him! Where’s my chicken?” Charlie woofed again.
“It was that MUTT!” Simon shouted.
“His names Charlie!” Luke exclaimed.
“Oh… my honey bunny, come here!” Olivia shouted, dropping Charlie. He hit the floor with a bump and then bounced several times, until he landed in Luke’s arms.
“Do you mind!” Charlie woofed again, “I-want-my-chicken!”
Luke’s dad might not be able to cook… but Luke knew quite a lot about cooking. He put Charlie down on the table, then started to look through the kitchen. When he finally, found a nice Chicken, he washed it, then dried it and thank god it was gutted! Then he put it in a roasting tin, seasoned it and popped it in the oven. After about an hour and a half… Luke took it out the oven and plopped it on to a big, white, shiny, plate.
“Grub’s up!” Luke shouted, putting three plates down and a mixture of vegetables on the kitchen table. Charlie licked his lips and then made a dive for the chicken. He stretched his legs out and stuck his front claws out from his little paws. He was actually in mid air when a pair of hands grabbed him and pulled him down back to earth. Charlie looked up, it was Olivia.
“Do you mind?” he screeched, falling over backwards, “Oh, it’s you.” He groaned sitting back up.
“Rule number one… no dogs anywhere approximately,” Olivia shouted, getting a tape measure out of her bag. “Um… twenty four inches away from the table!” she screeched again, shooing poor Charlie into his cage, witch he didn’t go in that much. As it smelt a bit! She locked the door.
“No way mum! He doesn’t like it in there. That’s why I made him his special doggy bed!” Luke screamed, pointing to a corner of the room. With Charlie’s silk blanket in and his seven little pillow’s lined up in a line.
“No Luke! Don’t you dare answer back to me!” she shouted back, locking the cage.
“I’ve grown up mum! And I think you, need to do, too!” Luke unlocked the door,
“How dare you!”
“What? What? I’ll tell you what!”
“What, what, what, what… what!” Luke screamed again,
“Bla, ble, ble, bla, ble, bla, bla, bla!” and the rest is quite boring. While Luke and his mum were blubbering on Charlie pushed the cage open and skipped off. He jumped onto the chair where Olivia usually sits.
“Come on, let’s tuck in Olivia!” Simon said turning around to see Charlie, in his wife’s seat.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Simon screeched, like a little girl.
“Oh what’s wrong now?” Olivia huffed.
“Olivia! Your all fluffy and, and, fluffy!” he shouted. Now Simon was dumb, no not dumb, really, really, extra dumb! He thought that Olivia had turned into a dog, when really she was just behind him.
“What!” she shouted looking down at him.
“But! What? But I thought…” he said, looking back and forwards, at Charlie and Olivia.
“You dummy!” she moaned, walking off and then came back and tucked into her dinner.
“Get off you dumb MUTT!” Simon shouted,
“Dumb MUTT… look who’s talking!” Charlie growled. After they had all had dinner, everyone went into the front room and watched TV. This was Charlie’s chance to make his move on the… Chicken! He sneaked out of his doggy bed and clambered onto one of the chairs.
“Yummy roast CHICKEN.” Charlie whispered. He dragged the remains into Luke’s bedroom and munched into the Chicken. When Simon finally got up from the sofa to get seconds… that’s when he looked.
“Where’s the chicken gone?” he moaned,
“You ate it all dad!” Luke shouted, laughing.
“No I did not! It was probably that MUTT!” Next thing Charlie knew, he heard big footsteps coming towards Luke’s bedroom!
“MUTT! Where are you?” Simon blurted, Charlie quickly grabbed the rest of the chicken and poked his head out the door. Simon turned around to see Charlie, with his chicken in Charlie’s mouth.
“MUTT! Come here now!” Simon shouted.
“Ruff!” Charlie went and ran out the cat flap. Simon ran out the door and saw Charlie heading for Olivia’s flower beds. By this time Charlie had ate all the yummy bits off the Chicken and left the fatty bits for Simon. He rolled over in the muddy flower beds squishing some of the flowers… but not all of them; he wouldn’t do that to Olivia. Olivia loves her flower beds and that played a very important part in Charlie’s devious plan! He put the Chicken down and woofed.
“MUTT! Give me my CHICKEN!” and there is only one person who would talk to Charlie like that. Simon ran to the flower bed, jumped in the air and landed belly first on the chicken… squishing it into the ground. Charlie ran inside and cleaned him self up. He jumped on to the window sill and looked out at Simon. He turned over first, then started to look for his chicken.
“MUTT! Where have you put my chicken?” he bellowed,
“I haven’t got it dummy!” Charlie screamed, rolling his eyes, “These Human things… have no sense!” Simon carried on rolling around Olivia’s flower bed, which by now… was just a square of dirt with a couple of squished flowers pocking up. Olivia walked over to the back door and opened it,
“SIMON! Get out of my flower beds!” she bellowed,
“But! But! It was that MUTT.” He groaned, hanging his head in shame, like a little child that has just been told off. Charlie growled.
“Likely story!” Luke shouted from behind his mother.
“He just doesn’t learn.” Charlie woofed, feeling quite proud of himself, “You’re still the MUTT Simon, your still the MUTT!” he woofed, licking his lips!
By Jade M
Age 10
Class 3
Monday, 2 March 2009
"Food" by Jade M, Age 10, Class 3
I don’t like food… especially if it’s healthy. I like Chocolate and sweets, but I do not like Apples, Carrots, Oranges, Pears, Tomatoes, Leaks, Potatoes, Runner Beans, Peas, Cheese and Lettuce. Those sort of things! Just think of it… YUCK! Who would want to eat that sort of stuff. It makes me swell up and go all green and spotty, (just like the food!) but the worst bit is when I smell it!
When I was a child… I got my head stuck in a bowl of peas, don’t ask me how… it’s a long story. It stank, I had to have my head in there for three hours! That was how long it took to get in the door of the doctors, then I had to wait another hour to actually see the doctor. Several other children were like me… one had a bright purple bucket on her head, (you couldn’t miss her!). Another had an old rusty saucepan stuck on his head, he kept bumping into people. After I got the bowl off my head, I did not want to smell such an awful, cruel and vial smell again!
“Oh please darling, just try something?” my mother moaned,
“Noooooooo!” I shouted, “I don’t like food! It’s yucky and stinks like old socks!”
“Oh please, just a bit! Just a little, little piece of fruit?” my mum begged.
“Oh stop being so stupid mum!!! Grow up!” I screamed as a ran out of the room in a strop. Just as I ran out the room I saw my mum standing still looking at the wall and a tear running down her face. A tear of true guilt ran through my head. I felt bad but still I just walked on and left my poor mother there, all alone crying.
“Mum?” I asked later on, poking my head into the kitchen. She had a big black bag and was throwing food from the fridge and the cupboard… but, it wasn’t any food it was all the chocolate and sweets. The food I love! “MUM! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” I screamed. “Stop it! Stop!” I shouted.
“No, I will not!” she shouted… “All your life all you have ate is junk food. Well now… I am sick of it, for the first time in your life you will eat...something...healthy!” My mother shouted grabbing me and holding me tight.
I took a couple of steps back, I was scared… mum had never shouted at me before, I get away with everything… but now I’m not going to! I was in big trouble, all because of food. I had to start eating healthy stuff, all the stuff I hate.
That night at the diner table, mum placed a big plate of food in front of me. It had on it carrots, lettuce, apples and… peas!
“Ehh!” I shouted, “I’m not eating that!” My mother looked at me and frowned,“You will! Or you will go to bed with nothing, at all to eat!” Then my mum left the room.
“Yes, I will mum.” I muttered. I didn’t like my mum how she was now, it was like someone had hypnotised her… it was like it wasn’t her. I took another disgusted look at my plate.
'Yucky! Where’s the chicken and the burgers and, and, and the, the fatty, lovely foods, that I love!' I thought to my self.
I went to push the plate away from me, but then I thought… this is not going to get better until I eat something healthy! This is not going to get better unless I stand up to my fears… conquer my worries… eat, peas!!! I gripped my fork in my hand and then scooped a fork full of vegetables and up into my mouth. My face dropped… they tasted disgusting! But then, with one mighty gulp, I swallowed down the vegetables.
I don’t like food… especially if it’s healthy. I like Chocolate and sweets, but I do not like Apples, Carrots, Oranges, Pears, Tomatoes, Leaks, Potatoes, Runner Beans, Peas, Cheese and Lettuce. Those sort of things! Just think of it… YUCK! Who would want to eat that sort of stuff. It makes me swell up and go all green and spotty, (just like the food!) but the worst bit is when I smell it!
When I was a child… I got my head stuck in a bowl of peas, don’t ask me how… it’s a long story. It stank, I had to have my head in there for three hours! That was how long it took to get in the door of the doctors, then I had to wait another hour to actually see the doctor. Several other children were like me… one had a bright purple bucket on her head, (you couldn’t miss her!). Another had an old rusty saucepan stuck on his head, he kept bumping into people. After I got the bowl off my head, I did not want to smell such an awful, cruel and vial smell again!
“Oh please darling, just try something?” my mother moaned,
“Noooooooo!” I shouted, “I don’t like food! It’s yucky and stinks like old socks!”
“Oh please, just a bit! Just a little, little piece of fruit?” my mum begged.
“Oh stop being so stupid mum!!! Grow up!” I screamed as a ran out of the room in a strop. Just as I ran out the room I saw my mum standing still looking at the wall and a tear running down her face. A tear of true guilt ran through my head. I felt bad but still I just walked on and left my poor mother there, all alone crying.
“Mum?” I asked later on, poking my head into the kitchen. She had a big black bag and was throwing food from the fridge and the cupboard… but, it wasn’t any food it was all the chocolate and sweets. The food I love! “MUM! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” I screamed. “Stop it! Stop!” I shouted.
“No, I will not!” she shouted… “All your life all you have ate is junk food. Well now… I am sick of it, for the first time in your life you will eat...something...healthy!” My mother shouted grabbing me and holding me tight.
I took a couple of steps back, I was scared… mum had never shouted at me before, I get away with everything… but now I’m not going to! I was in big trouble, all because of food. I had to start eating healthy stuff, all the stuff I hate.
That night at the diner table, mum placed a big plate of food in front of me. It had on it carrots, lettuce, apples and… peas!
“Ehh!” I shouted, “I’m not eating that!” My mother looked at me and frowned,“You will! Or you will go to bed with nothing, at all to eat!” Then my mum left the room.
“Yes, I will mum.” I muttered. I didn’t like my mum how she was now, it was like someone had hypnotised her… it was like it wasn’t her. I took another disgusted look at my plate.
'Yucky! Where’s the chicken and the burgers and, and, and the, the fatty, lovely foods, that I love!' I thought to my self.
I went to push the plate away from me, but then I thought… this is not going to get better until I eat something healthy! This is not going to get better unless I stand up to my fears… conquer my worries… eat, peas!!! I gripped my fork in my hand and then scooped a fork full of vegetables and up into my mouth. My face dropped… they tasted disgusting! But then, with one mighty gulp, I swallowed down the vegetables.
By Jade M Age 10 Class 3
"Who's the MUTT?" by Jade M, Age 10, Class 3
Who’s the MUTT?
Luke, was an ordinary boy… but, Charlie his dog was not an ordinary dog, he was very, very, very clever.
One day, when Luke was at school, his dad with sitting on the sofa eating a leg of chicken. Charlie came and sat down next to Luke’s dad’s feet, (who was called Simon). He licked his lips several times then started to dribble as he gazed at the chicken leg, (that to him was starting to glow and get bigger and bigger) although the chicken was bigger then him, he wanted it!
“Ruff, ruff!” he barked,
“Shush MUTT!” Simon shouted, “I can’t hear the footy!”
“When has the footy been better then giving an old, poor, HUNGRY, dog some CHICKEN!” Charlie woofed. He was not getting his point clear, but Charlie was clever and new exactly what to do. He went and sat next to the back door and woofed as loud as he could.
“Oh what now MUTT?” Simon shouted in a more angry voice, “Oh you want to go to the toilet… then go and use the bathroom!” he boomed!
“WOOOOOF!” Charlie screeched.
Eventually Simon came and let him out… only then to notice that he could of got out the cat flap! But… as Charlie slowly stepped out the door, he ran back in and with one mighty shove he pushed Simon out the door and shut it behind him, (it was one of those “shut it and it locks doors”).
“LET ME OUT MUTT!” Simon shouted, “I’m going to miss the FOOTY” he blurted out again, sticking his fat big head through the cat flap.
Charlie grinned and then skipped off to the find the chicken. But he hit a hitch… the table was three times bigger then him, as Charlie was a Chihuahua and quite small! But Charlie did not come all this way for nothing, he did not walk to the backdoor and back for nothing… he done this for chicken and chicken he was going to get! He grabbed all the pillows from his special doggy bed and stacked them in a tall pile. He carefully climbed to the top and jumped on to the table. He glanced out of the window and saw Charlie walking up to the house! He very quickly grabbed the chicken leg and jumped onto the pile of pillows, bursting several of them and covering the sofa’s with shining white feathers, he ran out of the room… passing Simon on the way, he did not look happy!
As he ran into Luke’s bedroom he heard Luke rattling through keys trying to find the one to the front door. Charlie laid down under Luke’s bed and tucked into his well earned chicken leg. When Luke walked in, he saw his fathers head sticking trough the cat flap,
“LUKE! Help me Luke, it was that MUTT of yours!” Luke froze,
“What… Charlie?” he asked his father looking really confused, “But, but you are five times bigger then him!” “Not to mention six times fatter.” Luke whispered
“Oh just help me Luke!” Simon screamed.
“Charlie, Charlie come boy. Luke called. By that time Charlie had ate his chicken and
hidden the evidence. Charlie skipped down to Luke and put on a… sad face!
“Hi boy!” Luke said to his beloved dog bending down to pat him,
“Hello… MUTT!” Simon shouted. Charlie opened his mouth as if to say… FEED ME! Luke walked into the kitchen obliviously leaving his father.
“Here boy,” Luke said as he put a bowl of dog food in front of Charlie and then a bone for afters.
Then a, “Ohhhhhhhh!” came from the back door and then a,“Meow!”
Luke looked out of the window, to see the cat perched on his fathers bottom, digging it’s claws into it!
“Ah, a three course meal.” Charlie said as he tucked into his second course of the day, “Who’s the MUTT now?”
By Jade M
Age 10
Class 3
Who’s the MUTT?
Luke, was an ordinary boy… but, Charlie his dog was not an ordinary dog, he was very, very, very clever.
One day, when Luke was at school, his dad with sitting on the sofa eating a leg of chicken. Charlie came and sat down next to Luke’s dad’s feet, (who was called Simon). He licked his lips several times then started to dribble as he gazed at the chicken leg, (that to him was starting to glow and get bigger and bigger) although the chicken was bigger then him, he wanted it!
“Ruff, ruff!” he barked,
“Shush MUTT!” Simon shouted, “I can’t hear the footy!”
“When has the footy been better then giving an old, poor, HUNGRY, dog some CHICKEN!” Charlie woofed. He was not getting his point clear, but Charlie was clever and new exactly what to do. He went and sat next to the back door and woofed as loud as he could.
“Oh what now MUTT?” Simon shouted in a more angry voice, “Oh you want to go to the toilet… then go and use the bathroom!” he boomed!
“WOOOOOF!” Charlie screeched.
Eventually Simon came and let him out… only then to notice that he could of got out the cat flap! But… as Charlie slowly stepped out the door, he ran back in and with one mighty shove he pushed Simon out the door and shut it behind him, (it was one of those “shut it and it locks doors”).
“LET ME OUT MUTT!” Simon shouted, “I’m going to miss the FOOTY” he blurted out again, sticking his fat big head through the cat flap.
Charlie grinned and then skipped off to the find the chicken. But he hit a hitch… the table was three times bigger then him, as Charlie was a Chihuahua and quite small! But Charlie did not come all this way for nothing, he did not walk to the backdoor and back for nothing… he done this for chicken and chicken he was going to get! He grabbed all the pillows from his special doggy bed and stacked them in a tall pile. He carefully climbed to the top and jumped on to the table. He glanced out of the window and saw Charlie walking up to the house! He very quickly grabbed the chicken leg and jumped onto the pile of pillows, bursting several of them and covering the sofa’s with shining white feathers, he ran out of the room… passing Simon on the way, he did not look happy!
As he ran into Luke’s bedroom he heard Luke rattling through keys trying to find the one to the front door. Charlie laid down under Luke’s bed and tucked into his well earned chicken leg. When Luke walked in, he saw his fathers head sticking trough the cat flap,
“LUKE! Help me Luke, it was that MUTT of yours!” Luke froze,
“What… Charlie?” he asked his father looking really confused, “But, but you are five times bigger then him!” “Not to mention six times fatter.” Luke whispered
“Oh just help me Luke!” Simon screamed.
“Charlie, Charlie come boy. Luke called. By that time Charlie had ate his chicken and
hidden the evidence. Charlie skipped down to Luke and put on a… sad face!
“Hi boy!” Luke said to his beloved dog bending down to pat him,
“Hello… MUTT!” Simon shouted. Charlie opened his mouth as if to say… FEED ME! Luke walked into the kitchen obliviously leaving his father.
“Here boy,” Luke said as he put a bowl of dog food in front of Charlie and then a bone for afters.
Then a, “Ohhhhhhhh!” came from the back door and then a,“Meow!”
Luke looked out of the window, to see the cat perched on his fathers bottom, digging it’s claws into it!
“Ah, a three course meal.” Charlie said as he tucked into his second course of the day, “Who’s the MUTT now?”
By Jade M
Age 10
Class 3
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
"Pixie Platform" By Jade M, Age 10, Class 3
Pixie Platform
In London, there was an abandoned Platform called Pixie Platform. It was never called Pixie Platform, it’s just that everyone calls it now, after it happened after the Pixies came.
Well it was a long time ago when the platform was actually called Platform number one… the only platform there. It was a very busy platform, never shut, so ever opened. It only had three train’s coming in and out everyday, that was why it was so busy because everyone had to wait so long to get a train and it was the closest railway station in miles for most of the people.
Anyway, back to the story… it must have been Platform one’s busiest day in years, but suddenly everything started to shake and an awful screech came from the dark tunnel and as one of the three trains came out of the tunnel and came to a holt. As the door of the train opened it was awfully quiet and the people in the station did not like it at all. A man poked his head in the door and looked around, nobody was there… then a huge, ugly, vial beast came out of the train and stretched out it’s big black wings. A man standing at the back wearing a long black cloak covering his face. He wiped the cloak off uncovering a big cross bow!
“What are they?” I asked the strange man,
“They're Harpy’s!” he shouted and then shot an arrow right at the Harpy.
As I turned around I saw the huge beast coming towards me and the man. It picked me up in its claws and threw me on top of the train and I got knocked out. When I woke up the man said to me, “Wake up! Come on wake up, we have to get out of here fast! The Harpy might come back with reinforcements!”
I got up and looked around, I couldn’t see my parents, all I saw were around 20 people standing below me whispering.
“Where are my parents?” I asked,
“I don’t know little girl, the power went off when you where asleep and when the power came back on, lots of the people had gone, including your parents, now come down from there.” the man said.
I got up, I felt really dicey… the man jumped down and then told me to jump to him so I did. Then he took me to a woman called Mrs Nedia, she said I could call her Anita. She asked me what my name was and how old I was, I told her, “My name is Katharine Blin and I am five years old and I want my mum and dad!” I screamed.
Anita cuddled me and said that everything would be ok, I wanted to believe her but I know she was lying! Once we all got out, the police shut the Station Down, they boarded it up and put a tall wire fence around it so nobody would go back in. I went home with Anita, but a week later my Aunt Hannah came to take me home with her.
You are probable thinking why it is called Pixie Platform and I haven’t even mentioned pixies yet! Well when the Harpys came back they had a surprise. The Pixies, (which where very cheeky and noisy) had moved in before they could! Thousands of them, all lined up and ready to throw rotten fruit and vegetables at the Harpy’s, although the fruit and veg was bigger then them they where still scary. They had their little grinning faces on and their sharp nails that could easily cut someones skin. The Harpys retreated and never came back… everyone thinks that the pixies are still there, but nobody knows because nobody has been in there for years.
The End.
By Jade M
Age 10
Class 3
Pixie Platform
In London, there was an abandoned Platform called Pixie Platform. It was never called Pixie Platform, it’s just that everyone calls it now, after it happened after the Pixies came.
Well it was a long time ago when the platform was actually called Platform number one… the only platform there. It was a very busy platform, never shut, so ever opened. It only had three train’s coming in and out everyday, that was why it was so busy because everyone had to wait so long to get a train and it was the closest railway station in miles for most of the people.
Anyway, back to the story… it must have been Platform one’s busiest day in years, but suddenly everything started to shake and an awful screech came from the dark tunnel and as one of the three trains came out of the tunnel and came to a holt. As the door of the train opened it was awfully quiet and the people in the station did not like it at all. A man poked his head in the door and looked around, nobody was there… then a huge, ugly, vial beast came out of the train and stretched out it’s big black wings. A man standing at the back wearing a long black cloak covering his face. He wiped the cloak off uncovering a big cross bow!
“What are they?” I asked the strange man,
“They're Harpy’s!” he shouted and then shot an arrow right at the Harpy.
As I turned around I saw the huge beast coming towards me and the man. It picked me up in its claws and threw me on top of the train and I got knocked out. When I woke up the man said to me, “Wake up! Come on wake up, we have to get out of here fast! The Harpy might come back with reinforcements!”
I got up and looked around, I couldn’t see my parents, all I saw were around 20 people standing below me whispering.
“Where are my parents?” I asked,
“I don’t know little girl, the power went off when you where asleep and when the power came back on, lots of the people had gone, including your parents, now come down from there.” the man said.
I got up, I felt really dicey… the man jumped down and then told me to jump to him so I did. Then he took me to a woman called Mrs Nedia, she said I could call her Anita. She asked me what my name was and how old I was, I told her, “My name is Katharine Blin and I am five years old and I want my mum and dad!” I screamed.
Anita cuddled me and said that everything would be ok, I wanted to believe her but I know she was lying! Once we all got out, the police shut the Station Down, they boarded it up and put a tall wire fence around it so nobody would go back in. I went home with Anita, but a week later my Aunt Hannah came to take me home with her.
You are probable thinking why it is called Pixie Platform and I haven’t even mentioned pixies yet! Well when the Harpys came back they had a surprise. The Pixies, (which where very cheeky and noisy) had moved in before they could! Thousands of them, all lined up and ready to throw rotten fruit and vegetables at the Harpy’s, although the fruit and veg was bigger then them they where still scary. They had their little grinning faces on and their sharp nails that could easily cut someones skin. The Harpys retreated and never came back… everyone thinks that the pixies are still there, but nobody knows because nobody has been in there for years.
The End.
By Jade M
Age 10
Class 3
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
"There's No Such thing As Magic" By Jade M, Age 10, Class 3
There’s No Such Thing as Magic
Brandon, age nine, was a spoilt little boy.
“Mum!!!” he screamed. “Come here and turn the TV down for me!” “My hand hurts to much to do it!”
“But Brandon, you never turn it down by yourself, let alone turn it off and on!” his mum shouted at him, waving her duster in the air.
“Muuum!!!” “Turn the TV DOWN!!!” he shouted at his loudest.
“I don’t know why you want it turned down anyway, you can’t hear it over you!” she shouted, grabbing the remote control and putting it on mute. “If your not careful… the magic wizard will come and get yeah!” Brandon’s mum said putting the remote control back on the table.
“There’s no such thing as magic!” Brandon said, “Don’t you know anything Mum?”
“More then your ever know, young man.” She whispered as she walked out the room, “No such thing as magic, ha!”
That night, when Brandon was asleep the wind started to blow and one of the windows opened in Brandon’s bedroom and a little part of glitter dived into Brandon’s toy box. But suddenly a little toy solider jumped out of the box and walked over to Brandon’s bed and soon lots of little toys started to walk out of the box and gathered round the bed.
“Why are we here?” said a little old toy duck that I say, was rather battered from being thrown down the stairs by Brandon when he was younger.
“I am not that sure,” a little cuddly snake hissed at the duck.
“Come on, lets get lifting!” one of the soldiers said smiling, then picked up a corner of the bed.
“Umm, ok then.” an armadillo said, lifting up another corner of the bed.
Soon all the toys where lifting up the bed and it was starting to lift itself, soon it was off the ground and flying up and up all by it’s self. Soon it reached the window!!!
“Phew…” said a tiny wind up mouse. “Brandon’s really heavy!”
The bed flew out the window and disappeared into the fog…
“Mummy!!!” Brandon shouted when he woke up to see an old man with long white hair and a long white beard.
“Oh yes Brandon, your mother has told you about, me,” the strange man said.
“Are, are, you the magic Wizard?” Brandon asked, blinking several times.
“Yes, no such thing as magic, ha!” The magic wizard shouted and bashed his long bent stick onto the floor and Brandon disappeared into fine air! Just at the same minute, Brandon’s mum, who was laying in bed jumped up and shouted out, “THERES NO SUCH THING AS MAGIC!”
By Jade M
Age 10
Class 3
There’s No Such Thing as Magic
Brandon, age nine, was a spoilt little boy.
“Mum!!!” he screamed. “Come here and turn the TV down for me!” “My hand hurts to much to do it!”
“But Brandon, you never turn it down by yourself, let alone turn it off and on!” his mum shouted at him, waving her duster in the air.
“Muuum!!!” “Turn the TV DOWN!!!” he shouted at his loudest.
“I don’t know why you want it turned down anyway, you can’t hear it over you!” she shouted, grabbing the remote control and putting it on mute. “If your not careful… the magic wizard will come and get yeah!” Brandon’s mum said putting the remote control back on the table.
“There’s no such thing as magic!” Brandon said, “Don’t you know anything Mum?”
“More then your ever know, young man.” She whispered as she walked out the room, “No such thing as magic, ha!”
That night, when Brandon was asleep the wind started to blow and one of the windows opened in Brandon’s bedroom and a little part of glitter dived into Brandon’s toy box. But suddenly a little toy solider jumped out of the box and walked over to Brandon’s bed and soon lots of little toys started to walk out of the box and gathered round the bed.
“Why are we here?” said a little old toy duck that I say, was rather battered from being thrown down the stairs by Brandon when he was younger.
“I am not that sure,” a little cuddly snake hissed at the duck.
“Come on, lets get lifting!” one of the soldiers said smiling, then picked up a corner of the bed.
“Umm, ok then.” an armadillo said, lifting up another corner of the bed.
Soon all the toys where lifting up the bed and it was starting to lift itself, soon it was off the ground and flying up and up all by it’s self. Soon it reached the window!!!
“Phew…” said a tiny wind up mouse. “Brandon’s really heavy!”
The bed flew out the window and disappeared into the fog…
“Mummy!!!” Brandon shouted when he woke up to see an old man with long white hair and a long white beard.
“Oh yes Brandon, your mother has told you about, me,” the strange man said.
“Are, are, you the magic Wizard?” Brandon asked, blinking several times.
“Yes, no such thing as magic, ha!” The magic wizard shouted and bashed his long bent stick onto the floor and Brandon disappeared into fine air! Just at the same minute, Brandon’s mum, who was laying in bed jumped up and shouted out, “THERES NO SUCH THING AS MAGIC!”
By Jade M
Age 10
Class 3
"I'll Deal With You" by Jade M, Age 10, Class 3
I’ll Deal With You
“Neenor, neenor!” Went the sirens on the TV.
“Wow, get those criminals!” said Bobby. “Smash ‘hem, thrash ‘hem, kill ‘hem!!!” he shouted again spitting all over the TV,
“Excuse me darling, did you say something?” asked Bobby’s Nan, who was in the next room. She was also quite deaf.
“Oh, just some opera on TV, Nanny!” he shouted trying not to laugh,
“Sing away darling, sing away. La, la, la la, la, laaaaaaaaaaa!” Nan screeched.
“Ouch, that sounds worst then Grate Aunt Mabyn’s singing.
“Pardon?” she asked again.
“Didn’t say a thing Nan!” he shouted bursting into laughter.
“You are naughty Bobby!” a voice said and then the magic wizard appeared! He slowly banged his long bent stick onto the ground and said,
“I will deal with you, how I dealt with Brandon!”
“Nooo!” Bobby shouted and he was gone!
“Did you say something darling” Nan shouted.
“Nothing, you won’t hear from me again!” the Wizard shouted and then went in a puff of smoke.
Noone knows where the magic wizard keeps all the naughty children, some say he sent them away to a magic cave in the middle of a blizzard.. that never stoppe!
By Jade M
Age 10
Class 3
I’ll Deal With You
“Neenor, neenor!” Went the sirens on the TV.
“Wow, get those criminals!” said Bobby. “Smash ‘hem, thrash ‘hem, kill ‘hem!!!” he shouted again spitting all over the TV,
“Excuse me darling, did you say something?” asked Bobby’s Nan, who was in the next room. She was also quite deaf.
“Oh, just some opera on TV, Nanny!” he shouted trying not to laugh,
“Sing away darling, sing away. La, la, la la, la, laaaaaaaaaaa!” Nan screeched.
“Ouch, that sounds worst then Grate Aunt Mabyn’s singing.
“Pardon?” she asked again.
“Didn’t say a thing Nan!” he shouted bursting into laughter.
“You are naughty Bobby!” a voice said and then the magic wizard appeared! He slowly banged his long bent stick onto the ground and said,
“I will deal with you, how I dealt with Brandon!”
“Nooo!” Bobby shouted and he was gone!
“Did you say something darling” Nan shouted.
“Nothing, you won’t hear from me again!” the Wizard shouted and then went in a puff of smoke.
Noone knows where the magic wizard keeps all the naughty children, some say he sent them away to a magic cave in the middle of a blizzard.. that never stoppe!
By Jade M
Age 10
Class 3
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
"It's Secret" by Jade M, Age 10, Class 3
It’s Secret
I walk into my secret, magical, watery world and dive into the wide open ocean.
I run my fingers along the smooth sea bed, all I can hear is the sweet murmurs of magical Mermaids and the calls of stripy Zebra Seals talking to each over through the water.
But what is this? A sort of figure coming towards me, getting closer and closer! It is another person in my secret, magical, watery, world. I blink a couple of time just to make sure I am not dreaming, but I am definitely not dreaming! No one is allowed in my secret, magical, watery, world… and never should be.
By Jade M
Age 10
Class 3
It’s Secret
I walk into my secret, magical, watery world and dive into the wide open ocean.
I run my fingers along the smooth sea bed, all I can hear is the sweet murmurs of magical Mermaids and the calls of stripy Zebra Seals talking to each over through the water.
But what is this? A sort of figure coming towards me, getting closer and closer! It is another person in my secret, magical, watery, world. I blink a couple of time just to make sure I am not dreaming, but I am definitely not dreaming! No one is allowed in my secret, magical, watery, world… and never should be.
By Jade M
Age 10
Class 3
"Sand of the Desert" by Jade M, Age 10, Class 3
Sand of the Desert
Bethany, who was 11 years old, was on her way to Somalia for a holiday with her Mum. They where just flying over Egypt when… everything started to shake and they slowly started to go down and down. People started to scream and then somebody shouted out, “Were going to crash!!!”
Then everyone started to panic, the lady came out of the cabin and said to everyone, “Please just remain in your seats, nothing is going to happen, please… do not panic!” but Bethany’s Mum shouted out…
“Well of course were going to panic… were gong to craaaaaaash!!!”
“Mum I’m scared.” Bethany whispered to her mum holding onto her arm. Bethany looked out the window, they where getting nearer and nearer to a big empty desert!!! Then it happened they hit the ground and rolled over several times.
But then everything went still it was so quiet, but then a lady shouted out…
“Ahhh, he’s bleeding, my husband is bleeding!”
“Please be quiet, he’s just cut his leg.” A man said, as if he knew what he was doing.
“Is everybody ok?” the cabin lady asked. Everyone nodded, then one lady got up out of her seat and tried to open the door, but it wouldn’t… it would not open. She kicked it and shouted, “Ahh… how are we post to get out of here!” The cabin lady walked up to her and said, “If you want to go out, you will have to use the emergency exit at the rear or the plane.” The lady opened up the door and looked outside, there was nothing, just lots and lots of sand.
“Were lost in a Desert.” Bethany said and looked outside, then frowned. They had no food and not water and everybody was hungry, that night everyone slept in the plane, but Bethany heard a noise outside so she went to see what it was. She poked her head around the open door and saw four men on camels walking past, “Hchew!” went Bethany. One of the men turned around and drew out a small dagger from his pocket and asked,
“What is your name?”
“B, B, Beth, Betha, Bethany,” She said jittering, “Bu, but yo, you can ca, call me Be, Beth f, for sho, short.”
“Well… B, B, Beth, Betha, Bethany, do your people mean harm?” the strange man asked, slowly putting away his dagger.
“Well, I don’t think so.” Bethany said laughing,
“Here,” the man said, giving Bethany two bottles of water, “You won’t be seeing some of this till a long time!” and then they all disappeared!!!
Bethany tipped some water into her mouth, knowing she wouldn’t be having some more until she was home, if she ever got home and then put the other bottle into her mum’s handbag.
The next morning when Bethany woke up she heard people shouting and saying,
“I wonder what it is?” she rubbed her eyes and looked outside. There was a massive hump of sand outside the plane,
“It must be around five feet tall!” a man said,
“Umm, more then that, seven or even eight feet!” another man said pulling down his cap, that particular man never took off his cap, he was always pulling it down over his face and huffing and puffing away.
Suddenly the wind blew and all the sand blew away, uncovering a small yellow pebble that didn’t shimmer or shine just sat there very dirty and looking pretty old and stupid. The man in the cap picked it up and threw it, it hit Bethany on the head.
“Owww!!!” she shouted, “That hurt.” She picked the pebble up and put it in her pocket.
An hour or so later the pebble started to shine and suddenly she was sitting on her couch, back in London.
“What!” she shouted,
“What’s wrong, darling?” Bethany’s mum asked.
“We, we were going on holiday and we crashed and, and…”
“Bethany, you must have been dreaming or something.”
“But I wasn’t.” Bethany whispered as her mum walked out of the room, “But I wasn’t!”
By Jade M
Age 10
Class 3
Sand of the Desert
Bethany, who was 11 years old, was on her way to Somalia for a holiday with her Mum. They where just flying over Egypt when… everything started to shake and they slowly started to go down and down. People started to scream and then somebody shouted out, “Were going to crash!!!”
Then everyone started to panic, the lady came out of the cabin and said to everyone, “Please just remain in your seats, nothing is going to happen, please… do not panic!” but Bethany’s Mum shouted out…
“Well of course were going to panic… were gong to craaaaaaash!!!”
“Mum I’m scared.” Bethany whispered to her mum holding onto her arm. Bethany looked out the window, they where getting nearer and nearer to a big empty desert!!! Then it happened they hit the ground and rolled over several times.
But then everything went still it was so quiet, but then a lady shouted out…
“Ahhh, he’s bleeding, my husband is bleeding!”
“Please be quiet, he’s just cut his leg.” A man said, as if he knew what he was doing.
“Is everybody ok?” the cabin lady asked. Everyone nodded, then one lady got up out of her seat and tried to open the door, but it wouldn’t… it would not open. She kicked it and shouted, “Ahh… how are we post to get out of here!” The cabin lady walked up to her and said, “If you want to go out, you will have to use the emergency exit at the rear or the plane.” The lady opened up the door and looked outside, there was nothing, just lots and lots of sand.
“Were lost in a Desert.” Bethany said and looked outside, then frowned. They had no food and not water and everybody was hungry, that night everyone slept in the plane, but Bethany heard a noise outside so she went to see what it was. She poked her head around the open door and saw four men on camels walking past, “Hchew!” went Bethany. One of the men turned around and drew out a small dagger from his pocket and asked,
“What is your name?”
“B, B, Beth, Betha, Bethany,” She said jittering, “Bu, but yo, you can ca, call me Be, Beth f, for sho, short.”
“Well… B, B, Beth, Betha, Bethany, do your people mean harm?” the strange man asked, slowly putting away his dagger.
“Well, I don’t think so.” Bethany said laughing,
“Here,” the man said, giving Bethany two bottles of water, “You won’t be seeing some of this till a long time!” and then they all disappeared!!!
Bethany tipped some water into her mouth, knowing she wouldn’t be having some more until she was home, if she ever got home and then put the other bottle into her mum’s handbag.
The next morning when Bethany woke up she heard people shouting and saying,
“I wonder what it is?” she rubbed her eyes and looked outside. There was a massive hump of sand outside the plane,
“It must be around five feet tall!” a man said,
“Umm, more then that, seven or even eight feet!” another man said pulling down his cap, that particular man never took off his cap, he was always pulling it down over his face and huffing and puffing away.
Suddenly the wind blew and all the sand blew away, uncovering a small yellow pebble that didn’t shimmer or shine just sat there very dirty and looking pretty old and stupid. The man in the cap picked it up and threw it, it hit Bethany on the head.
“Owww!!!” she shouted, “That hurt.” She picked the pebble up and put it in her pocket.
An hour or so later the pebble started to shine and suddenly she was sitting on her couch, back in London.
“What!” she shouted,
“What’s wrong, darling?” Bethany’s mum asked.
“We, we were going on holiday and we crashed and, and…”
“Bethany, you must have been dreaming or something.”
“But I wasn’t.” Bethany whispered as her mum walked out of the room, “But I wasn’t!”
By Jade M
Age 10
Class 3
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